Monday, December 26, 2005
Christmas Cheer
Update 28/12/2005:
My lawyers have informed me I need to give credit to original art posted on this site. As far as the dunny humour and Reckon diary go possession is nine tenths of the law so just try me Dave. Any album art owned by Rattus Corp however is great and my blog is barely worthy to show it. (This is not a paid for statement by Rattus Corp)
Update 30/12/2005:
It occurred to me that Rattus Corp, like RIAA doesn't care about the artists and is only concerned about their cut.
Something I travelled to Japan to hear. Doughnuts
Now with Album Art

So anyway I did all right for Christmas, I didn't have to work - but I'm on night shift for New Years. I got a pressure sprayer for washing the car and stuff, some Logitech z3 speakers and a Laserpod. It's basically a laser projected through a crystal onto a wall or ceiling. I would describe the patterns it makes a cross between Qix (with todays graphics) and fire. Very cool.
I've been looking at 42 inch plasma displays as a replacement for our 63 cm TV. These things are getting so cheap these days, we got them at work 6 years ago and they were $14,000 each, I'm hoping to get one for around $1,600. If you bring this up as a topic for discussion eveyone launches into their opinion as to what to get - HD plasma, LCD, Rear projection TV, Projector and screen etc. HD is good but expensive, Foxtel is only SD anyway so I'm not spending an extra $3,000 for some extra pixels. LCD would be good in a small room but still expensive. Rear projection look great but take up a lot of space and are heavy. Projector is still an option but I'd prefer to have a big room for it. So it's a nice cheap SD plasma for now.
I'll put up the next ten computer shops tomorrow. I just looked at the temps in Melb for this week, blargh... Three days 35 deg C, going to be shit sleeping after nightshift.
On a final note here is a pic from another forum, just a random pic I found very amusing. I think it was originally a computer rage/anger management thing but the new comment is just awesome. Not sure why it makes me laugh but there you go. Merry Christmas...

Update 28/12/2005:
My lawyers have informed me I need to give credit to original art posted on this site. As far as the dunny humour and Reckon diary go possession is nine tenths of the law so just try me Dave. Any album art owned by Rattus Corp however is great and my blog is barely worthy to show it. (This is not a paid for statement by Rattus Corp)
Update 30/12/2005:
It occurred to me that Rattus Corp, like RIAA doesn't care about the artists and is only concerned about their cut.
Something I travelled to Japan to hear. Doughnuts
Now with Album Art

So anyway I did all right for Christmas, I didn't have to work - but I'm on night shift for New Years. I got a pressure sprayer for washing the car and stuff, some Logitech z3 speakers and a Laserpod. It's basically a laser projected through a crystal onto a wall or ceiling. I would describe the patterns it makes a cross between Qix (with todays graphics) and fire. Very cool.
I've been looking at 42 inch plasma displays as a replacement for our 63 cm TV. These things are getting so cheap these days, we got them at work 6 years ago and they were $14,000 each, I'm hoping to get one for around $1,600. If you bring this up as a topic for discussion eveyone launches into their opinion as to what to get - HD plasma, LCD, Rear projection TV, Projector and screen etc. HD is good but expensive, Foxtel is only SD anyway so I'm not spending an extra $3,000 for some extra pixels. LCD would be good in a small room but still expensive. Rear projection look great but take up a lot of space and are heavy. Projector is still an option but I'd prefer to have a big room for it. So it's a nice cheap SD plasma for now.
I'll put up the next ten computer shops tomorrow. I just looked at the temps in Melb for this week, blargh... Three days 35 deg C, going to be shit sleeping after nightshift.
On a final note here is a pic from another forum, just a random pic I found very amusing. I think it was originally a computer rage/anger management thing but the new comment is just awesome. Not sure why it makes me laugh but there you go. Merry Christmas...

Friday, December 23, 2005
Random Rudeness
Some things that just have to been seen...
The much requested Degrees of Things

One of my faves - Poofest

What people are prepared to say to get a supporting role on Back to the Future

Nuclear holocaust crossed with a leather fetish shop

So I think Dave's first attempts were laudable - or laughable.
Some things that just have to been seen...
The much requested Degrees of Things

One of my faves - Poofest

What people are prepared to say to get a supporting role on Back to the Future

Nuclear holocaust crossed with a leather fetish shop

So I think Dave's first attempts were laudable - or laughable.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Dead Reckoning
Update 23/12: You serve your master well.
Ok here's the game. I will post up pictures of companies with the names blanked out. They will be numbered so you can comment on the blog and give me the name for each number. For ones you can't get I will start putting letters back for clues.
Let the fun begin!!!
Update 23/12: You serve your master well.
Ok here's the game. I will post up pictures of companies with the names blanked out. They will be numbered so you can comment on the blog and give me the name for each number. For ones you can't get I will start putting letters back for clues.
Let the fun begin!!!





Thursday, December 15, 2005
Last Dunny Graffiti for the night...
My nightmare inducing fave

Doctor Who obsessions

Ahhh moustaches - how Hale and Pace of me

Troy, Troy, Troy the Invincible. Troy, Troy, Troy man of principle.

My nightmare inducing fave

Doctor Who obsessions

Ahhh moustaches - how Hale and Pace of me

Troy, Troy, Troy the Invincible. Troy, Troy, Troy man of principle.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
In Bag we trust, Bag them up and 'The Bag'...
I think I'll re-scan all the Dunny Graffiti and host it somewhere then link it here.
It also appears I am to be officially trusted to manage people. I have carte blanche to forget everything technical I know and be rewarded for it. On the plus side it means I can spend some money on the Soarer. Re-do some of the leather then get wheels and tyres then a piggyback ECU. Maybe down the track get a supercharger - $8,000 fitted, might have to wait until Kym gets a car.
Oh no!!! I just went to the mixes and 3 minutes into the first one I choose to listen to at random is a visit by rabid SG3 fan 'The Bag'. Rude! It was 'The Flak Hour with David G'.
I think I'll re-scan all the Dunny Graffiti and host it somewhere then link it here.
It also appears I am to be officially trusted to manage people. I have carte blanche to forget everything technical I know and be rewarded for it. On the plus side it means I can spend some money on the Soarer. Re-do some of the leather then get wheels and tyres then a piggyback ECU. Maybe down the track get a supercharger - $8,000 fitted, might have to wait until Kym gets a car.
Oh no!!! I just went to the mixes and 3 minutes into the first one I choose to listen to at random is a visit by rabid SG3 fan 'The Bag'. Rude! It was 'The Flak Hour with David G'.
What happens to people whose toilet is the most interesting room in the house...
I think Dave explained this one to me in 2002:

To think they trust someone to teach English who spells so grate...

I think Dave explained this one to me in 2002:

To think they trust someone to teach English who spells so grate...

Some NQR quotes...
Tyson Bennett Taylor
Comprehensive Data
Dr. Benkman
Ooohhh Waahhh Ooohhh
No, just compacted on the surface
Tyson Bennett Taylor
Comprehensive Data
Dr. Benkman
Ooohhh Waahhh Ooohhh
No, just compacted on the surface