Thursday, July 05, 2007

Take me back...

No time for idle chatter, every picture tells a story you know...

1. What rhymes with broken glass and where would you find it?

2. What kind of music makes you feel cold and warm at the same time?

3. There is a secret link on this entry:
a) Describe what the link is pointing to
b) What best describes the link? (The linking object itself, not what it links to.)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Like a bindie on my brain

Some things just get stuck in your mind. Usually when someone exclaims 'Jesus Christ!' I think not of the son of God or 'where?' but my mind is cast back to Form 6. A simpler time, when we all acted like 5th Formers, future attackers of Victorian Premiers were merely troublesome young boys. Well let's not over do it, after all it's just a crappy scribble done by a bored student (not me, I leave the crappy drawing to one drawn to it).

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Asps - very dangerous

So yesterday I decided to ride to Kew via the Yarra trail. A little ambitious for me but it was worth a shot. It turned out to be 27 kms - one way...I found a shorter way home thank fuck (21 kms). Of course today is 10 degrees cooler without a gusty northerly to ride into to. And there were the usual obstacles on the path - mums with prams, people riding on the wrong side of the path and not looking, a large gaggle of school girls and one of these charming fellows:
Now I love snakes as much as the next person(except maybe Dodd and Steve Irwin) but I like them in fish tank enclosures and preferably in a torpor. I don't like seeing them on my bike path pissed off after being run over (apparently) by a schoolgirl. Anyway we all backed up and one of the girls herded the snake into the grass (right near an oblivious fisherman) and we all continued on. About 5kms later I saw a sign warning me about snakes.
Overall it was a good ride, it took me through Collingwood farm (anyone go there with school?), past Dight falls and Fairfield boathouse and a scenic if somewhat lost tour of Kew while trying to find Auburn road.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Foaming Cola Spooky Mulder....Ebola!

Some final words before our trip to UK and France...

Foaming Cola!



I truly wish I was going to Kent...purely to update the kent in Kent.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

From now on you'll be known as Shit Piece

I can't say I'm a big Transformers fan but this overdubbed Transformers vid was good for a giggle. Much in the spirit of the GI Joe overdubs.

Do you reckon this is Bone's brother's Cortina? Green Cortina V8, owned for 20 years etc, it all seems to match. Do you remember his first name? Was it Bruce? The number plate is BP 5000: link

Monday, July 17, 2006

Quick puzzle while I do some scans

OK, this should be easy for some, pointless for others...such is life

What are these objects?

While trawling through the archives I came across Steve's old school diary. Had some nice mouse drawings (as usual) plus a bonus collection of things I said about Damaris. Enjoy:
And to cement my theory, check out the Civil Celebrant wedding by the Yarra...J.N.T.D.T.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The school bell has rung again

It's time to meet your classmates for 1987. If you knew that Marcus Brumer (not pictured) was going to throw a pie at the Victorian Premier would you have tried to warn him (Marcus), or would you allow history to take it's course?

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