Thursday, April 20, 2006
Picture Puzzle time!
It's that time again. I know it's more of the same, I'm happy to go on about my medical problems if you'd prefer.
Naturally this puzzle is only of interest to Dave but there you go...
Pick the names of the circled goons, I left a couple of obvious ones uncircled. Use the row number and a number starting from the left eg. I am R4,8. There will be some from your class that I didn't know that haven't been circled as well. For the record I currently work with a guy called Con Kagiaros, I haven't asked him if he went to Melbourne High.

It's that time again. I know it's more of the same, I'm happy to go on about my medical problems if you'd prefer.
Naturally this puzzle is only of interest to Dave but there you go...
Pick the names of the circled goons, I left a couple of obvious ones uncircled. Use the row number and a number starting from the left eg. I am R4,8. There will be some from your class that I didn't know that haven't been circled as well. For the record I currently work with a guy called Con Kagiaros, I haven't asked him if he went to Melbourne High.

Saturday, April 15, 2006
The Sleeper has awakened!
Well I guess it has been a bit of a break, what with holidays and all. I'm happy to say I've completed my latest works on the Soarer - upgraded brakes are now installed, unless you find new discs exciting I won't bother posting a pic.
I wanted to post some MHS pics tonight but it's too late now, I'll edit the post and add them tomorrow. For now I shall leave you to ponder over a picture that has been bothering me since I went looking for the school pics.
Dave I seriously thought you were on drugs about the Corey Feldman thing until I dug up this shot of him:

Well I guess it has been a bit of a break, what with holidays and all. I'm happy to say I've completed my latest works on the Soarer - upgraded brakes are now installed, unless you find new discs exciting I won't bother posting a pic.

Dave I seriously thought you were on drugs about the Corey Feldman thing until I dug up this shot of him: